The parameters which you add to the cv mat must have a name which fits to the following rules.
Change cv mat type c.
Desired output matrix type or rather the depth since the number of channels are the same as the input has.
If rtype is negative the output matrix will have the same type as the input.
Qimage img uchar mat data mat cols mat rows qimage format rgb32.
The class mat represents an n dimensional dense numerical single channel or multi channel array.
The name starts with a lower or upper case character hence a value between a z or a z.
Unsigned s signed and f floating point.
N dimensional dense array class.
To convert an sl mat to a cv mat we provide an slmat2cvmat function in the opencv sample.
The primitive types in opencv are unsigned char bool signed char unsigned short signed short int float double any data type in opencv is defined as cv bit depth u s f c number of channels where u.
If it does not have a proper size or type before the operation it is reallocated.
Note don t forget to delete cv mat cv matvector and r the mat you get from matvector when you don t want to use them any more.
Threrefore no data transfer is required between the two matrices.
Making borders for images padding if you want to create a border around the image something like a photo frame you can use cv copymakeborder function.
It is more efficient than manually converting the pixels to the qimage but you have to keep the original cv mat image in memory.
The first character of the name can be followed by an infinite number of alpha numerical characters including characters like or.
Image data can be shared between sl mat and cv mat by having the both memory pointers pointing to the same address.
Setting and getting pixel values of a gray image in c.
But it has more applications for convolution operation zero padding etc.
Possible parameter names for matrix cv mat.
For example cv 32fc2 is a 32 bit floating point and 2 channels structure.