I need matrices r 1 r 2 r 3 r 4.
Change variable name in matlab for loop.
Learn more about name variavle eval.
I m trying do make a for loop in whicht the variable name changes for every loop.
Using cells also give the ability to have different sizes of dataset.
With eval you use matlab commands to generate the string that will perform the operation you intend.
The overhead and the fact that the contents of cell arrays are not stored in contiguous memory is also explained in the matlab documentation.
Vpn num2str l when i do this i get ans vpn1.
Can you please help me to solve that.
You could write a for loop to do it and without.
Change variable name in a loop.
But the problem is that i dont get the variable vpn1 to which i can save more information.
Change variable name in a loop.
I need to do the same matrix calculations repeatedly but i want to rename the variable within the loop.
Now if you still really want to create variables with dynamically generated names you need to use eval.
Also with the name convention you do not have to hard code or use eval again to reprocess the data.